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Keynote Speakers

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Nuno Luís Madureira

Professor at Lisbon University Institute, Nuno Luis Madureira works currently in the areas of economic history, contemporary history of energy and environmental history. Visiting scholar at University of Harvard and visiting scholar at University of Berkeley, USA; member of the permanent pool of referees of the European Science Foundation (2006-2013) and of the College of Reviewers of the European Science Foundation (2016-2023). Consultant of the  NWO -Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.  Member of ISCTE's General Board. Coordinator of several collective research projects. Author of thirteen Books, the last of which, "Key concepts in energy: technology, economy and History", Springer, was published in 2014. Author of academic articles published in the following journals: Frontiers in Energy Research;  Energy Policy; Environment and History;  Technology & Culture;  Business History; Business History Review;  Journal of the Philosophy of History;  Journal of Global History;  Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional;  Contemporary European History; European Review of History- Revue Europeenne d'Histoire;  Journal of Contemporary History;  Política y Sociedad and LLul. Short articles can also be found in several International Encyclopedias and web sites. 

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Steve Mentz 

Steve Mentz (St. John's University)  teaches Shakespeare, literary theory, and the “blue humanities” with a focus on environmental questions. Responding in his research and teaching to ecological crisis has brought his work beyond Shakespeare to embrace oceanic culture, environmental philosophy, and artistic performances. He believes that all arts are performing arts, and his Shakespeare classes see at least one live performance each semester.

His most recent book, Ocean, appeared in March 2020 in Bloomsbury’s Object Lessons series. He is the author of four other books, Break Up the Anthropocene (2019), Shipwreck Modernity: Ecologies of Globalization, 1550-1719 (2015), At the Bottom of Shakespeare’s Ocean (2009) and Romance for Sale in Early ModernEngland (2006). He is also editor or co-editor of six collections: The Cultural History of the Sea in the Early Modern Age (2021), The Routledge Companion to Marineand Maritime Worlds, 1400-1800 (2020), The Sea in Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literary Culture (2017), Oceanic New York (2015), The Age of Thomas Nashe (2013), and Rogues and Early Modern English Culture (2004). He has published numerous articles and chapters on ecocriticism, Shakespeare, early modern literature, and the blue humanities. He curated an exhibition at the Folger Shakespeare Library, “Lost at Sea: The Ocean in the English Imagination, 1550 – 1750” (2010).

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Sofia Teives Henriques

Sofia Teives Henriques is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Porto. She is an economist (ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, 2001), holding a master in Economics, Energy and Environmental Policies from ISEG, University of Lisbon (2006) and a PhD (2011) from School of Economics and Management at Lund University. Before joining the University of Porto, she conducted postdoctoral research at the Department of Business Economics at the University of Southern Denmark (2012-2014),  was a researcher at Lund University (2015-2020) and a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (2016),  Rachel Carson Center in Munich (2017) and University Paris Diderot (2018). Her main interests lie in the intersection between energy and natural resources, technological change, long-term economic growth and environmental sustainability. One main research area deals with Portuguese and European long-term economic development, with a focus on industrialization and the role of energy and technological adoption as a driver of economic growth.  A second research topic investigates how different socio-economic drivers and energy and climate policies impact the sustainability of energy systems over space and time. She has published several articles in international journals such as Economic History Review, European Review of Economic History, Energy Policy and Ecological Economics, taught bachelor and master courses and supervised several master theses on economic history, energy, innovation, and sustainability topics.

©2023 por REPORT(H)A 2023. 

​Fotografia de Artur Pastor. [Moinho de vento na praia da Apúlia], Esposende, c. 1950-1962, negativo de gelatina e prata em acetato de celulose, preto e branco, 6 cm x 6 cm. Lisboa: Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, ART/011265. 

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